Wednesday, August 17, 2005

Bragging rights

Usually I try to not make every post about how awesome my boyfriend is, but today I'm just going to have to break down and let you all know.



he is.

And he did something last night that totally warranted some unabashed praise.

He went above and beyond the call of duty.

He blew me away.

Last night after a grueling day of TA orientation I had volunteered to make the missionaries of my church dinner. They don't have much money and can't really cook at all, so sometimes I offer and they gladly accept.

Anyway, last night I tried a new recipe from my new Healthy Kitchen cookbook. The entree (eggplant rollatinni) was very involved and I was rushed so I couldn't do my normal do-the-dishes-as-you-cook routine.

The result, as I'm sure you could imagine was that there were dishes everywhere in my kitchen. The meal was great, and well received, but I had to be somewhere at 8 so I scooted everyone out of my house, leaving the kitchen looking like ground zero.

After I came back from my appointment I rounded the corner into the kitchen fully prepared to do dishes for the next hour.

I was overcome with the beauty of the sight upon which my eyes fell.

The kitchen was immaculate. It was sparkling and clean. Every dish had been washed and put away. The leftovers had been carefully wrapped and put in the fridge. It was so amazing.

I called the ear doctor and he admitted do the great deed of good works. After I'd left he had circled back around to my house and spent an hour cleaning up the mess I'd made.

And that, my friends, is why my boyfriend rules.


  1. Amen sister! He IS awesome! Brag on!!

  2. He certainly sounds like a keeper! If he isn't too busy, could he swing by my place? I have a lot of dishes in the sink...

  3. The ones that clean are the best kind to keep around. Way to go ED!!

  4. I used to do my wife's dishes all the time when we were dating. Look where it got me. We've been married for a year. Now I get yelled at to do them. I shouldn't have set myself up like that. Oh well, it's a small price to pay.

  5. Anonymous3:03 PM

    If you already have him trained to do the dishes you'd better not let him get away, who knows how long it might take to train another one.

  6. How sweet...I love when they do little things like that.

  7. vewwy sweet :)

  8. Anonymous6:15 PM

    Train your man? Please. Men don't need to be "trained" anymore than women do. This part of the relationship doesn't need to be complicated: you take care of your man, and he'll take care of you. So if he is washing your dishes for you, it is obviously a sign that you are treating him right. You go, girl.

  9. It's a scientific fact: No woman ever shot a man while he was washing dishes! My wife and I made a deal: She cooks, I wash. She is a much better cook than I am a washer>

  10. Oh my, you have found a good one, that's for sure. As I'm sure you are, treasure him for all he's worth. :)

  11. Anonymous9:31 AM

    he's a keeper!! :)

  12. What an incredibly thoughtful gesture. He's always trying to do thoughtful things for you!
