Thursday, August 11, 2005

Utter Failure

Yesterday morning I went through my expenses for the millionth time in my head. It seems like every other train of thought inevitable ends up in the depot of my personal finances.

I made a resolute decision that I would do no more shopping for the month of August. Things were getting out of hand and I need to reign things in a bit.

I even wrote across the top of my mirror "NO shopping!" to remind myself of my decision.



You guessed it.

I broke that goal.

I couldn't even make it through 24 hours without caving.

Although, I think this expense was justified.

Now I fully look the part of sophisticated grad student.

And since I had to wait an hour while they put my new prescription lenses into those babies, I had to pass the time.

At the Gap.

With a new pair of jeans.

I'm bad, I know.


  1. Ha! I completely understand. I vowed no more cds until September, but I caved last night (at least it was on sale). I am I always a sucker for the Gap. I walk out of my way to work to avoid walking by there because I always give into temptation! I like the new glasses. I'm sure you'll look super studious in them!

  2. Cute glasses! Let's start a shopaholics version of AA. It would be wildly popular, and there'd be lots of people to commiserate with when you inevitably "fell off the wagon" within 3 days of committing to no shopping.

  3. Anonymous8:50 PM

    very bad! tsk tsk tsk.

  4. OMG Vera Wang glasses!!?? How could you NOT buy them!? And new jeans are totally practical... especially for back to school. I think the purchases are totally justified. :)

    By the way, I'm am the EXACT same way. I think we're destined to be poor forever... but atleast we'll look good!

  5. Oooh, those are hot! (Did I just say that!?!?! And I dont even watch the Simple Life!!) I'm super jealous!!
