Tuesday, August 09, 2005

Traitor and a hypocrite

After writing this post declaring my undying love, I've made a change. I've thrown in the towel on my old love. I've given up the fight. I've found something newer, sleeker, sexier that gives me a thrill just to look at it.

I know, I know. Having a relationship that is deep and committed means that you work through the tough times. I know I'll never learn to commit to anything unless I realize that I need to be happy with what I have. Learn to love the imperfections. Embrace the slightly worn patches because nothing is perfect in the long run.


I'm human.

I like change and the excitement that it brings.

I had to give my old guy the boot and upgrade to a new model.

Feast your eyes upon my new amour

Isn't he hot.

Don't you agree that it was about time I cut my ties to a relationship that was just holding me back?

Yeah, I thought so too.


  1. You're killing me.

  2. Dang - that phone ROCKS! My little motorola now is not doing it for me! :)

  3. So the screen pops up? That's... um... something...

  4. Anonymous11:02 AM

    Wowwwww .... tetris .... can you get phone calls too?

    Enjoy your new phone!


  5. Yeah, he's hot. What's his name? Mine's name is Sisko, and I think he's pretty rad. Japanese people sing songs to him on TV.
    Some people think that I'm crazy for personifying a phone, but I'm glad to see that I'm not the only one.

  6. Whoa, that thing looks like an attocity. Being in tech support for Palm handhelds/PDA's for 3.75 years, that's ghastly.

    Like the site, I'll put it in my blog.
