Monday, January 29, 2007

Crowning achievement

Last night the ear doctor and I made the most fabulous dinner for 12 of our closest friends. It was a celebration dinner of a close friend joining our church, which is always pretty exciting. We started cooking at 4 pm and served dinner at 6:30. Here is our menu:

Green salad with apples, slivered almonds, goat cheese and raspberry/blackberry vinaigrette
Oven baked pork "riblets" with cracked pepper and garlic rub
Melinda Cardon's secret recipe baked new potatoes
Fresh asparagus with tomato, onion and lemon compote
Hot from the oven cornbread with whipped honey butter
All-American apple pie

Sounds good huh!?! It was!

While we were cooking together I mentioned to the ear doctor that I might like to try my hand at running a catering business at some point in my life (a long way down the road). He got really excited because it would be something we could do together with relatively little financial risk. He said, "It’s not like I could ever come to your work and be an engineer and the chances of you being an audiologist any time soon are pretty slim, but that's something we could work together at."

He's cool.


  1. I agree. He's cool.

    Also, I'm dying to know Melinda Cardon's baked new potatoes recipe. The word "secret" automatically makes me really interested.

  2. Anonymous7:00 PM

    I love your blog, Katie! Something about your writing style and your upbeat attitude and the awesome details you include are just so fun to read. Just thought I'd share that :)

    The menu sounds amazing!!

  3. Love your header.

  4. Mmm, sounds delicious!

    And I'm so impressed that you made dinner for FOURTEEN people!!! I get nervous having six for dinner. ha ha
