Wednesday, January 31, 2007

My movie review: Catch and Release

Last night the ear doctor and I went to see Catch and Release. I wasn't super excited to see it until my roommates came home last weekend and said it was "so" good.

Well, they were wrong.

The story was a little unbelievable. It seemed to span only 3 days and everything under the sun happened to these people. Every male character was in love with Jennifer Garner's character, and in the end the drama seemed a little to much to be real. Kind of like watching a Felicity episode....except I never really found myself caring about these characters.

The saving grace of the movie was that it was filmed here in Boulder. It made me really happy to see my little town up on the big screen. From the shot of the flat irons, to boulder creek everything was AWESOME! My favorite little Chinese restaurant even got some screen time. It was fun to point out that hardcore road bikers would probably never be eating at the Sink where their specialty is greasy pizza served with honey for the crusts (YUM).

All in all my review is: B-. A C for the story and an A for the location!

Go see it if you want to check out my hood.


  1. Oh really?

    Have you ever seen a bunch of bikers at the Sink? The only people I've ever seen there are frat boys.

  2. thanks for the heads-up! don't think i'll waste babysitter money on that one. :) isn't it fun to see your town on the big screen? "That Thing You Do" (awesome movie) was filmed in my hometown in CA.

  3. Yeah, I heard it was lame, that like she starts flirting with her dead fiance's friend at the funeral, or something like that.

  4. terrible terrible movie. although Kevin Smith was hilarious.

    BUT, I did have to tell myself that I don't actually have a reason to up and move to Boulder because it looked awfully tempting. What a beautiful place and soooo charming.
