Wednesday, January 24, 2007

Just like Christmas

Yesterday was officially Christmas part 2 in my life. When I got home from school there was a pile of boxes hip-high on my front step.

I got a webcam from my brother in London who misses me enough to buy me a webcam so we can stay in touch.

My mom sent me a whole set of the cutest blue and green polka-dot dishes. I didn't think I wanted them when she mentioned it. I have SO much stuff as it is and sometimes get a little overwhelmed by everything I'm accruing. However, when they got her and I laid my eyes on their beauty I was smitten and am glad indeed that she got them for me. Such a lucky girl!

Also, she sent me some books she's been promising and some speakers for my ipod! How cool is that!

In the true spirit of Christmas I also gave presents yesterday.

I got the ear doctor the new Shins CD that "dropped" yesterday. It is good and still sounds like their earlier discs which is good because I was a little worried about them selling out in order to get famous. No worries there!

Also, I got my friend Amy some really awesome flowers. The ear doctor and I went over to meet her beautiful week old baby boy. He is breathtakingly cute. The ear doctor pointed something out that is so true. It's awesome to be around new parents. They have such a sense of awe and humility about them. Like they just feel so blessed to be entrusted with a little miracle. It's pretty rad to be around that.

Happy holidays (part deux)!

1 comment:

  1. Wow, your family and friends are all very generous and thoughtful.
    Their gifts to you are spot on... and the best part is how appreciative YOU are. Don't lose that!

