Monday, January 22, 2007

My movie review: Painted Veil

I L-O-V-E-D it!

Although, with saying that I have to state a caveat here. The movie was a bit on the slower paced side, so if you're the type who has to get up and grab a snack during a long movie you might want to wait until you can rent it and watch it at home. Also, nothing blows up and there aren't any songs from MTV on the soundtrack. Don't go see it if you don't have patience at the movie theater.

However, DO go see it if you are intruiged by the beauty of the Chinese landscape and culture. DO see it if you like to see a movie about relationships and real every day love. DO go see it if you like to think about what real forgiveness means.

I mean, just look at this photo.

I've never wanted to go to China more!

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