Friday, January 19, 2007

A word to the wise

Just in case you are tempted to participate in the following action....don't. Take a moment, remember this post and curb your impulse.

If a friend has been dating their significant other for over 2 years please, please, please don't rip her left hand out of her jacket pocket just so that you can see her bare ring finger. After seeing the finger, please don't shake you head and cluck your condescending tongue and make some remark about how her man is dropping the ball on the whole marriage proposal thing.



That is tacky, rude and will probably result in your relationship changing from friend to acquaintance.


  1. Ugh. Did someone actually do that!? Horrid.

    Some people are so rude. Thoughtless.

    (being perpetually single -no couplings for years at a time- is also wrought with similar displays of rudeness, and thoughtlessness.)

  2. If someone did that, they clearly don't know you that well. You're on the right path....don't worry about it.

  3. If someone did that, they clearly don't know you that well. You're on the right path....don't worry about it.

  4. What! That's a pretty lame-o non-friend like thing to do.

    By the way I love your new layout!

  5. People aren't ever happy. Especially about things that are NOT their business. I had random people give me grief because I got engaged too quickly. (Within a year.) People are strange.

  6. Katie,

    Just to back you up... I stumbled upon this, courtesy Miss Manners:

    Dear Miss Manners:

    What is the proper response to people who ask when my boyfriend and I will become engaged?

    "We haven't set the date."

  7. hello. that is majorly rude, and i don't mean to stalk your blog, but i really really really want to know how you got your blog to look like this! i'm dying to change my boring cookie-cutter layout and don't know how, could you email me your sources or some sort of help?
    yours is my favorite i've seen!
    nhornfamATmsnDOTcom thanks.

  8. Tack-city. I am always so surprised when someone is breathtakingly rude to me that I miss the moment for a comeback. Then I spend the rest of the day thinking up really brilliant comebacks. :( Hopefully you did better than me.

    Love the new layout. Don't be surprised if Anthropologie totally rips it off.

  9. !!!!!!!!!!!! Someone did that!!!???
