Thursday, April 05, 2007

Back to life

So sorry for the complete cessation of posting with absolutely no warning. It's not that I didn't want to write, I just didn't have the time. There's nothing wrong with're great. It's me. I've just have been so busy. I really did mean to write you.

Anyway, there are some very good reasons why I haven't posted. My little sister had her baby! Little Charlotte was 8 lb 8 oz 21 inches long and perfect. She has dark brown hair and pretty blue eyes. She is adorable and I can already tell she is really really smart. Plus she has great fashion sense because her auntie Katie has basically supplied her entire wardrobe. My sister is pretty much amazing. After being a mom for only 4 days she had it down. A total expert already!

The other big news is that the ear doctor asked me to be his wife and I GLADLY accepted! Hooray! We are engaged! I love this man more than life itself. He is the perfect match for me and I can't wait to be his wife.

We're planning on getting married at the end of June, so the planning will be frenzied! However, I think it's better to just get it done fast so that the planning doesn't stretch out forever. I promise that I would be just as frenzied in a year long engagement as I will be in the next 3 months so at least I'm decreasing the span of the insanity.

Anyway, if anyone has any great suggestions for a wedding reception in the Denver area, let me know!


  1. Congratulations on both Aunt-hood and your engagement! So exciting!!

  2. Congratulations! Let's see the ring!

  3. Anonymous12:44 PM

    WHAT?!?!? OMgosh!!! WOW!! A post like that with the title, "Back to Life" is soooo misleading, I had to reread that third paragraph. Congrats girl!! I am SO delighted for you and cannot wait to hear all about the frenzied wedding plans :)

    *girl from florida* (don't feel like signing in)

  4. I know I've already said it, but CONGRATULATIONS!!!!!! I am so excited for you two! I agree with Jordan - Let's see the ring!! Also, I thought I would inform you that you have a few things to change in your "About Me" section. ;o) Just keeping your frenzied self on her toes!!!

  5. Anonymous3:18 PM

    Been lurking for a while... also BYU alum, previously resident of CO and I enjoy reading your blog.

    Now delurking to say CONGRATS on the engagement to ear doctor! End of june is a fab time to marry (but then again, I'm sure i am biased:).

    Happy wedding planning!


    You know what's funny...when I saw the stars on your link on gff's site that notified your update, (seriously!! no lie!!!) I thought, hmm...wonder when she is going to post that she is engaged! How freaky!!!!

    WOW! I am SOOOO EXCITED for you!!!!

  7. and sister had a 2 years engagement and the last 3 months were the only part that was crazy. So yall are basically cutting out the boring anticipating!! AHH!! I will be checking DAILY to see how the planning is going!! You better account for ALL the excitement!!! And the decisions!!! And the details!!! And the...well...everything!!!

  8. Anonymous4:15 PM

    Wheee! Congrats from a lurker!

  9. Congratulations Katie!! I am so happy and excited for you. You will be such a beautiful bride. I love reading your blog, and I just knew this news would be coming soon. Congratulations on becoming a new Aunt too! Trust me, it's a wonderful duty! Have fun planning.

  10. Oh congratulations! On both counts. Becoming an Aunt is fabulous! I have no frame of reference on Engagement ..yet.

    (I'm the one who commented a couple years ago that it was unfair that you'd been in Colorado a shorter time than I and already found a guy. - and I'm way older than you!!!! however, I think I found mine - but I'll have to wait a bit for the ring.)

    Okay... I don't know what you have in mind for a venue but my cousin had hers here .
    Great if you are in Boulder... and the view is STUNNING! She started her outdoor ceremony at 5:30pm - to circumvent the daily 4:00 - 4:45 rain/sprinkles.
    And the hall is great for dinner and dancing, because there are two levels, the people upstairs can watch all the action on the main floor... and, the stairs provide for a grand entrance for the Bride and Groom.

    Can't wait to hear all the wedding plans.

  11. Oh and I forgot... tell us how he proposed!?!?!?!?

    I bet he thought of something fabulous and unforgetable!

  12. Anonymous7:16 PM

    YES Tell us how he proposed! CONGRATS AGAIN!! Weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!! So excited for you!

  13. Yay! I knew it was coming... I really like the ED. I'm sure you're wedding will be beautiful, you have the best taste. I can't wait to hear more details. Congrats!

  14. I am a mom with three married daughters and I have been reading you forever. I am so excited for you! I knew this announcement couldn't be far off, but I have to admit there were times when I asked myself if he was ever going to ask!

    I look forward to reading about your planning and agree it will be impeccable. You have great taste!

  15. Anonymous11:05 PM

    Jesus, it's about time!

  16. How exciting! Congradulations! I think you are smart to not drag out the date. I planned my wedding in just a few months....of course Iwas 4 month pregnant but that is another story for another time!

  17. Congratulations, Katie! That's so exciting. I can't wait to see pictures of the ring and baby Charlotte.

  18. HI Katie
    CONGRATS! I'm so happy for you. I'll definitely be checking back with everyone else for details on the wedding. Best of luck!
    from the friend of a friend of a friend (or something like that;)
    ps- love your blog. you're so cute!

  19. I haven't read your blog in a few weeks and I missed all the excitement! Congratulations! Our family gives you the credit for introducing two of our favorite people, who will have their second anniversary in June (can you believe it) and we are happy to hear your good news!
