Friday, April 06, 2007

The Proposal

We weren't supposed to leave for spring break until Tuesday. I'd decided to force myself to go to work on Monday so that I didn't use up all of my so painstakingly accrued vacation hours. However, when my little sister went into labor on Sunday morning I knew I just had to get over to Utah. I didn't want to miss a thing. Excitedly, I ran up to ear doctor and asked him if we could leave after church to drive over. He was a little thrown off because I'm not really one for spontaneity. He sat and thought all during the first hour of service and then told me that we could leave after a meeting that afternoon. Awesome!

On the drive over he told me that we had to swing by Salt Lake on Monday morning to get him some clothes. He had been planning to do laundry all day Monday, and since I had an out-of-character spontaneous moment, he wanted to buy stuff over there. I thought it was a little strange that he wanted to go to Salt Lake for clothes, since my sister lives in Logan, but whatever.

We got to Ogden late, late Sunday night and slept at a friend's house. Then, Monday morning I called my mom and found out that she'd had the baby. I wanted to drive up to Logan ASAP, but the ear doctor looked at me and said, I HAVE to go to the distribution center to get some "clothes". I don't have any at all to wear. I really wanted to go see the baby, but I realized that the ear doctor's need was more pressing than mine, so we took off to Salt Lake. It was a BEAUTIFUL day...clear, sunny, warm. We got to temple square and he bought what he needed. I wanted to rush back to the car because my mom wanted to meet us in Brigham City for lunch. He suggested that we take a walk around because it was so nice and we hardly ever get to go there anymore.

We walked around for a while and then he asked me if I'd ever been to the top of the conference center.

I had, but he wanted to go up and look out at the city and the mountains. I agreed. We walked up the outside stairs of the building to the very front where a huge, beautiful waterfall cascades between the beautiful marble stone. We stood there looking at the temple, which has great personal significance to us. I was getting a little antsy because I didn't want to miss my mom for lunch. Plus, the sun was really intense, so I said, "let's go...I'm getting a sunburn."

He turned to me and smiled and said, "no, lets' wait another minute"

He gave me a hug, told me I was his very best friend, got down on one knee and asked me to spend my life with him while offering me the most shiny, beautiful ring the world has ever seen. In one swift movement, I stuck my right pointer finger through the ring (I didn't want to loose it, but I didn't want to take the time to wait for him to slide it onto the correct finger) and fell into his arms.

After a minute we separated and he told me that the stone was the same one that his grandma wore for 52 years of the most love filled marriage. She called him up 3 weeks ago and offered it to him. After telling me that I was a complete wreck. I started crying so hard! I've never felt so honored or welcomed into someone's heart and family. That his grandma would offer to give me something so prized left me absolutely speechless. Thinking about it still gives me goosebumps and brings tears to my eyes.

Turns out, that he had been planning to ask me here, in Colorado on the Monday before we planed to leave. My little Carpe Diem moment totally messed up his plan and sent him into a 24 hour tailspin trying to figure out a new way to ask me. Good thing he's so great thinking on his feet!

We danced to no music on the top of the building.

It was perfect.


  1. Oh my gosh!!!!! Yay!!! (If the baby weren't asleep I would be screaming!!!) Oh, I'm totally tearing up. Katie, congratulations! I am so happy for you!!!!

  2. He is so sweet and you are such a lucky girl!! I can't wait to see it!

  3. Anonymous11:46 AM

    Woohoo--- loved hearing the details. What a man!

  4. ahh, so sweet. i got goosebumps reading it.

    congratulations again!

  5. That is awesome! Congrats ~ it sounds like a great date to remember!

  6. lovely page, blessed,c ya

  7. Congratulations! We need pictures of that ring asap!!

  8. WOW! He did a fine job didn't he. Especially having to reroute his plans. Heck of a guy you found there.

    And... his grandmother's diamond! That's some mighty fine karma you have sitting on your finger. That's mojo for a great marriage... besides the fact that the two of you seem perfectly suited for one another.

    Actually, that's the one exception I can think of for showing off the ring. (Typically, I find it crass to flaunt the ring - but with a christened diamond passed on to you... that's something that MUST be shared!!! (not to mention, he avoided having to buy into the blood diamond trade)) Nice Going!

    So yeah, show us that ring whenever you can!

  9. Anonymous5:40 PM

    Hi there! :) I'm visiting via GFF's blog. Congratulations on your engagement, and best wishes with your wedding planning! And congratulations to your sister ~ that's awesome! Such happy life moments all at once! hehe :)

  10. Anonymous11:56 PM

    I AM SO SO SO SO SO SO SO SO SO SO (I think I have made my point!) happy for you. If anyone deserves happiness it is you! Congratulations and good luck with all the planning that is ahead of you. Oh, and hope that the new baby and mother are doing equally well.

  11. AHHH!!! Love it!!! CONGRATS all over again!!!

  12. congrats - i am so happy for you both. that is such a great proposal - my favorite in a long time! post ring pictures please!

  13. Congratulations, Katie!! I'm excited to hear all your plans, as you are one of THE BEST party planners.

  14. congratulations! sounds like a dream. :)

  15. that is one of the sweetest proposals i've ever heard. i actually shed a few tears reading your story! congratulations!

  16. !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! WOW !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    Congratulations, congratulations, congratulations!!!!!!!

    I am so excited for you. What an amazing story.


  17. I don't know you...but in the blogging world does that really matter. Anyway, that is a beautiful proposal story and I shed a few tears myself. Thanks for sharing that.
