Thursday, June 07, 2007

If I weren't

helping the ear doctor move into our aparment this weekend I would spend my time making these for the wedding:

Their cuteness is almost TOO much to bear. I would make the frosting a light blue and then have my awesome roommate pipe our initials on the top. However, right now I'm a little overwhelmed and the last thing I need to be doing is piping frosting on 100 cookie wedding cakes.

But it makes me really sad that I'm not making them...


  1. I see no picture....

  2. Oh!! Too cute. If I lived close I would SO make them for you. OR better yet, I would help you move and then we could make them together. :( Why is Colorado so far away?

  3. Wow Katie...I thought to myself "boy, I really needed to catch up on Katie's blog and see what you are up to." I'M SO GLAD I DID! Congrats on the wedding and the degree! A grand slam! must be in such a blissful state!

    I hope Spaz got a hold of you to let you know she's getting married in two weeks!

    Congrats again!!!!!

  4. i'd help too!

    ok well really i'd just provide the entertainment and do the dishes because i don't think i'm capable of making something so cute in the kitchen, but i am really good at the dishes!

    good luck with the move!

  5. I need to make those for something!
