Friday, June 08, 2007

Who has the most adorable niece in the world?

I do! Plus, my sister is pretty much a knock out.


  1. So beautiful!! I can't wait to see them!

  2. I would have sent you a baby announcement, but someone to remain nameless failed to get me your address. I guess I'll forgive her since she has been pretty busy and all.

  3. Katie,
    I wish I could have just ordered one of each of the photos they took, but we could only get a few. I hope you like the one I chose for you (as it's not any of the ones showed here.) I love you and I'll see you soon!

  4. Love these pics! Little Charlotte is so cute!

    And Maggie's a babe. :)

  5. The hand picture is priceless.

    LOVE these pictures!
