Tuesday, November 27, 2007

Tree Day

I cannot begin to tell you how great it was to be home with my family for Thanksgiving! Seriously, so amazing. I got to play with the baby to my heart's content. She is at the wanting-to-be-bounced-all-the-time-by-aunt-Katie phase, so I gladly performed the task. Guess what. You have to be SO strong to be a mom and lug that dead weight around all the time! My biceps were KILLING me the next day! Who knew?

Thanksgiving is great and stuff, but my favorite day is the day after Thanksgiving which my mom has turned into another holiday....TREE DAY! I've explained the genesis of this most wonderful of holidays in many years past, so I'll skip with that. I'll just have to say that I loved that the ear doctor could help my dad put up the lights on the house. I love that he was there to help me with the tree. His help on the gingerbread house was crucial. And seeing his eyes light up at his snoopy, smartie-filled race car was priceless.


  1. Just to let everyone know, tree day is the day after Thanksgiving, not the day after Christmas.

    As far as lugging around the baby, when you're a mom you start light (8 pounds or so) and work your way up. Not very many moms have to start with 18 pounds.

  2. Good catch! I'll change the day ASAP.
