Thursday, January 24, 2008

Green with envy

A year and a half ago my brother uprooted his family and moved them to London. He got a great job and thought it was too good an opportunity to pass up.

Since moving there they've visited Paris, Rome, Dubai and more places I'm sure.

Yesterday I got an email from him describing the awesome vacation they've booked for June. Get a load of this:

3 days in Tokyo
4 days in Brisbane
7 days in Cairns
2 days in Singapore

I just got an email from my sister in law (his wife) telling me that she's having a tough time finding a hotel for when they go to Athens in March!

Who would have ever thought that my rad brother would end up being such a jet-setter? And they have 2 daughters (8 and 12), so anyone who says that having kids limits your traveling options, you can do it!

Kinda makes the long weekend trip to Orange County I just booked look kinda small, doesn't it?


  1. I can't believe the girls are 8 and 12 already!! I still remember giving Kathryn (I don't know how they spell it, so I will use my own) her first hair cut like it was yesterday!!

  2. Color me green as well. :)

  3. Man, I am SO jealous!! I miss traveling SO much, and my trip this summer reignited my craving for it!!!

  4. Anonymous10:38 PM

    I am not evnious, I am going golfing in St George in April and Nathan has never been with us.
