Wednesday, January 23, 2008

A perfect night at our house

Lately we've been so busy that we haven't had a lot of time to just hang out together. Last night was perfect.

I made some DELICIOUS cookies right after I got home from work.

I got a little impatient and overgenerous with the filling so they slid around a lot. Don't worry, this morning they aren't so slidy looking.

Then we made dinner together. Enchiladas verdes con pollo and black beans. SOOO good!

Then the ear doctor serenaded me with a little bit of strummin on his axe.

And to round out the night we watched American Idol, American Gladiators and this movie:

(We are planning on getting a dog late May/early June and we are REALLY excited about it)


  1. Oh, what a cruel taunt--yummy pictures and luscious-sounding food, but no recipe?! Please don't make us all slobber in vain!
    p.s. Congrats on the puppy-to-be

  2. Yay!!! Since getting ours, I am super excited for you! Altough a LOT of work, and I mean a LOT, it is totally worth it. (And a week ago, I never imagined I would say that.)

  3. And can I come over for dinner. Enchiladas verde con pollo and frijoles negros are my FAV!! Seriously!!

  4. Okay, so you probably totally don't remember me and I'm just being creepy by posting on your blog- I'm a Spokanite (is that what we're called??) I moved to Spokane in high school and knew you through Lexi (I doubt there was more than one Lexi... right??? I hate using last names...) but anywho, how many Jani's could you know? I happened to find Betsies blog, and then saw your blog on your links, and I thought, 'huh, is there any way there's more than one Katie Timothy? Surely not, as she is TOTALLY one of a kind...' it's nice to see you are still the same fun loving girl I remember!! I seriously just spent probably 30 minutes randomly reading your old posts and laughing out loud, which I don't usually do (laugh out loud) And now I'm leaving a really long comment and you're thinking I'm going to stalk you or something *grin* Really I just wanted to say hi and tell you how much your blog made me laugh-- oh, and that you were a BEAUTIFUL bride... I love wedding pictures.... Ya, this just keeps getting longer... check out my blog if you're bored out of your mind or if you're wondering who the heck I am =) it's

  5. He looks totally in his element. Just the way the guitar hangs on his neck, the subtle squint of the left's magical.

  6. Jani-

    How could I forget the person I spent an entire day at girls camp laying around in a tent and eating pringles with? Impossible.

    I love the brings me back in touch with people I thought I lost forever!

  7. OK, so the cookies look delicious! Secretly, my favorite part of playing Guitar Hero III is watching my more-than-conservative-when-it-comes-to-music husband rock out to the Sex Pistols. Oh the irony..
    P.S. When you get a puppy, I think you should get a really overweight Chocolate Lab that is so lazy you can't even take it on walks. Oh, and it should strew the trash about the house as well....

  8. YUM. Those cookies look to die for and the enchiladas are just how I like 'em--topped with shredded chicken and plenty of sauce and cheese.

    (Recently discovered Guitar Hero at a friend's house--IN LOVE. Rock on, Ear Dr.!)

  9. Amy,

    I totally think of you every time I play a little Social D.

    Garbage dog = HILARIOUS

  10. Anonymous10:45 PM

    It's Kareoke time. I am so ready for the strum master AKA Grill Master.
