Thursday, March 06, 2008

Confession of a huge dork

I'm always a little shocked when someone compliments me on style or creativity or anything like that, and here is why.

About 7 years ago US News and W0rld Rep0rt printed an issue dedicated to robots. At the time I was a starving mechanical engineering undergrad and didn't have the dinero to go out and buy the issue. I kept seeing it all over the place and secretly really wanted to swipe it.

I was out with a group of non-engineer friends one night, saw the magazine and started pining over it. From that night on I was mercilessly teased about being a robot lover.

Truth be told, I am a big, fat, geeky, robot fan! I think going to an automated plant is just about the coolest way you can spend an afternoon. Which is why I can't really contain my excitement about the invitation I got in my email box this afternoon.

Feast your pretty eyes on this bad boy:

A VIP inviation? For little ole me? To be part of an organization that inspires kids to get involved in my industry? Oh heck yes!

I just hope the ear doctor can handle the freakishly high nerd level that will surround an even of this caliber.


  1. I say Embrace your geekiness. I have and life is so much more fun now.

  2. omigosh, i TOTALLY want to take my kids to this competition next year. SO COOL!!!

  3. I love your enthusiasm for your field. Rock on, nerd-girl!!

  4. You are so clever and important!
    How did they find you and know that you HAD to have an invitation?!?!? Amazing.

    Wave your freak flag high and proud!

  5. Anonymous5:44 PM

    Yeah, it's really cool. I worked at the company that sells Dean Kamen's wheelchair that goes up and down stairs (same technology as the Segway) and while I was at the company we were able to attend this semi-finals competition as Dean's guests and be on the floor during the competition. It was amazing to see what kids can pull off. Have a great time!

  6. I think robots are cool, too.

    Besides, where would this world be without dorks, geeks, and nerds?

  7. Anonymous11:51 PM

    Tiger Woods,Michael Jordan or Eli Manning will never catch Bill Gates.
