Wednesday, March 12, 2008

A little slice of heaven

I've been in beautiful, sunny Orange county for the last 5 days and have the sun burn to prove it. This little red headed Coloradoan was not prepared for the seasons to shift so suddenly. All the women on my mom's side of the family decided to take a trip down to the home of the Grizzly bear and catch up.

It was spectacular.

My favorite day by far was the trip to the Huntington Botanical Gardens. If I lived in Orange county, had a bazillion dollars, and hadn't already gone through the ordeal that is wedding planning, this would be the scene for my dream event. So beautiful!

The best part is that the garden just happens to be in the most fatastic little city in California.....San Marino. Talk about idealic! My dream home and I would fit right in!

Too bad the first line of the Wikipedia entry for this city reads as the following: "San Marino is a city in LA County. Its ZIP code of 91108 ranks the city as the 48th most expensive in the United States, with the median home sale price in 2006 of $1.35 million dollars."

Yeah, I'm pretty sure this little engineer is going to just keep dreaming about living there....

1 comment:

  1. San Marino is pretty. I like Granada Hills best. But of all the places I'd like to live here, I'd have to choose San Louis Obispo. Lucky me, I have a daughter who will be there permanent in a year!

    Wasn't the weather gorgeous last week??!!!
