Monday, March 03, 2008

Good news

Rachel at Black Eiffel found my dream home this morning. I think I'll print this picture out, put it in my wallet next to my debit card. That way every time I think of buying something I don't need I'll see this house, mi amor, and have restraint.

Just look at that fence! The garden! The front door!


  1. Anonymous9:45 AM

    I love the garden and the front porch!

  2. That a good idea Katie, I think I'll do the same thing. Although a different house- no use stealing your dream house, ha.

  3. Hey, Katie.

    Hmm. I'm stumped on the ganache question. Did you whisk it after you added the hot cream--after it had cooled? I hope I didn't make a mistake on the recipe. I'm going to be making them again soon. I'll have to let you know. It should turn out no matter what kind of chocolate you use. Oh--mine didn't stay shiny after I chilled them.

    Try storing the extras in the freezer. I ran out of pastry cream--because my husband squirted it in his mouth, ah hem--so I ended up chucking the remaining eclairs. I kept them in the fridge and they totally dried out. I think they are only supposed to be kept for a couple of days before they go stale. Maybe I should make an addendum with all this info...

    Glad you liked them in any case.

    Totally love that house in the picture.

  4. GREAT house!! And great idea to curtail spending! I may have to borrow that one.

  5. If that's not inspiration for self-control, I don't know what is. Happy dreaming!

  6. wow, what a great house!

  7. what a great house...when we were first married we drove around at night and looked at homes, loved seeing all the lights on in different homes... really not as creepy as it sounds.

  8. Can Jason and I move in with you? We'll try not to take up too much space.

    The house is so pretty!
