Tuesday, March 04, 2008

Burn baby burn

Last night I went out to dinner with a dear, dear friend.

The kind of friend who simultaneously reminds you of who you are and who you were. Shes my oldest, truest friend. The one who will always be a part of my heart despite distance or time apart.

Our friendship is like a huge raging campfire. When you're standing away from it you can see the flame, and get a sense of the warmth. You know what its like and you know it will keep burning for a long long time without the addition of much fuel. It is constant and unchanging.


If you step close it, the intensity of the fire warms you from the tips of your toes to the top of you head in no time flat. Quicker than you can catch your breath you feel enveloped and welcomed in from the cold. If the campfire is really really big your buns don't even get cold.

That's Kathy....a heat-your-jeans-so-hot-they-burn-your-shins-when-you-sit-down-kind-of-campfire.


  1. That is great you got to see kathy. She is going to live closer to you now.

  2. Nope, she'll be up in Seattle (I'm pretty sure).

  3. I guess Seattle is closer than Little Rock right?

  4. No way. Littlerock is 10 hours away. Seattle is about 18 (I think?)

  5. That's great! I too am blessed with some amazing friends... these women are my soulmates and I am the luckiest woman on the planet!!

    I love knowing that even if I don't see one my friends in three years... that when we do get together it's like not a moment has passed. It's so amazing!

    When my friend Kimberly met me at the SF airport, our hearts were so full we just burst into tears from sheer happiness!

    Now an aside. We had Brunch at Racine's in Denver on Sunday and while waiting for our table I caught sight of a cute, tallish redhead and thought... Could that be KatieTimothy.blogspot? Another look assured me it wasn't you... but I thought - what if I did run into my little bloggy friend? Would I say hi or would it be weird?

  6. You should say hi for sure! It would blow the ear doctor away that these internet friends I talk about are actually real.

  7. wow I thought Seattle would be much closer. I guess if you visit Spokane then it will be right? Hee hee!

  8. I love you, too!
