Tuesday, March 04, 2008

Hardcore fan

I haven't fallen head over heels for a musician's style in a really long time. But, my oh my, do I love Ms. Sara Bareilles. Aside from obviously amazing talent, doesn't she just seem cool?

(photo from her website....I hope she's no mad I snatched it and put it here....Sara, if you want me to take it down, let me know)

She describes her music as an intersection between Norah Jones, Fiona Apple, and Ben Folds. Since these are 3 of my favorite artists, its not suprising that I love her stuff. And anyone who gives Etta James a shout out is chock full of rad-ness.

Plus, I love an artist that puts ENTIRE songs on their website instead of a 34 second teaser.

If she decides to come anywhere near Colorado this summer I will be the crazy redhead in the front row.


  1. she is featured in some commercial that has been on a lot lately, and whenever i heard it, i start humming along.

  2. She is cool. I saw her on The View last week - and she's very rad. Down-to-Earth cool.

    The first time I heard 'Love Song' I thought maybe Aslyn released a new album. Not so.

    I've only heard 'Love Song'... but if you like her - maybe you'd like Aslyn's album Lemon Love. If you don't fall in love with the song 'Wally' you're not the woman I think you are!

  3. I just discovered her last week, too! I LOVE her music!
