Thursday, March 27, 2008

So hot right now

The other night I was talking in a group of people about music right now. One guy started complaining about the music coming out. He said it was so boring and lame that he was turning himself back to Led Zepplin and the Beatles.

My eyes almost popped out of my head.

To be polite I just nodded and tought, wow, we must have really different taste.

Right now there is an EXPLOSION of great, soulful female artists. I could make a list of about a million different people that I just love. The ear doctor has even started coming home from work saying, "I heard another girl singer that you would really like today."

Maybe this guy is missing the boat, or he's a mysoginisit jerk who thinks girls can't sing? Doubtful.

Here is my list of women emerging to make another really interesting genre of music that REALLY appeals to me (and probably everyother 20-35 year old woman):

Sara Barellis (I have to list her first...can't get enough of Love on the Rocks)
Rilo Kiley (red head shout out)
Imogen Heap
Regina Spektor
Ingrid Michaelson
Zooey Deschanel
Yael Naim

The list goes on.

Maybe I should burn a disc for that guy to show him what he's missing out on?

UPDATE: I was just clicking around and saw that LaceyJ. at happy:blissful! has noticed this hot trend as well and has made a great mix of these talented ladies.


  1. Some people just don't dig female vocals. My uncle is one. He's a huge music nerd, but there's only a handful of female vocalists that he can stand. But I can guarantee that he isn't misogynistic. :)

    And I agree with that fellow to a certain extent. No matter how much new music I come into contact with, I almost always revert to my old school favorites. Almost nothing reaches their level for me.

  2. Hi! So random we were thinking about this same idea- I love your list as well... lots of similiarities! Fun. Fun.

  3. Yeah! You like Regina, too! I went and saw her in SLC in November! 8 months prego and all! ;) I love Imogen Heap, Ingrid Michaelson, and Sara Barellis, as well! I remembered looking thru your CD collection back in the day and thought you had excellent taste! ;)

  4. Anonymous11:26 PM

    What is wrong with Gracie Slick, Janis Joplin, Joan Biaz, Divine Ms M, Tina Turner and of coarse, Aretha Franklin.

    Send me a disc.

  5. Dad,

    Nothing wrong with the more established songstresses, but there is just some really great talent out there right now.

  6. I am loving Kate Nash lately! (And reading the blogs of strangers... creepy? Only a touch.) Anyway... I like everyone on this list as well... maybe you should check her out!
