Monday, March 03, 2008

Spectacular weekend

I could not have asked for a better weekend! Saturday was 75 degrees and clear as a bell.

After reading all week about how much c jane wanted donuts and then how she endulged her desire, I knew I had to have one myself. Bright and early the ear doctor and I scooted over to Lamar's for a simply better donut. I had an old fashioned (yum), the ear doctor had a cake with maple frosting and sprinkles (which he dunked in his milk) and we shared a buttermilk bar. I was a little worried about all the early morning caloric intake. Littile did I know, I had nothing to worry about.

The ear doctor left me to go play 2 hours of basketball and I stopped at Target to get a gift for a friend's baby shower. The shower was at 11 am that morning, so of course all the cute stuff on the registry had been FUFILLED. I tossed the list aside and got stuff that I liked. Can I just tell you how cute the Dwell baby line is at Target? Adorable. I got her this:

And this:

And this:

After the shower I planted some herbs, played frisbee, got slurpees, hit balls and the driving range, went out for dinner and went dancing.

And then on Sunday we woke up to a blizzard. That's Colorado for you.


  1. Anonymous9:44 AM

    Just reading your blog made me exhausted. My Saturday was grocery shopping (pause while your reality shifts), walking the dog between the ice flows, baking bread, making 3 different casserole ( one for break the fast- the others to freeze), making shamrock cookies for dad (and Me) watching "Daddy Long-legs" on AMC(how can you go wrong with Fred Astaire) having chili for dinner listening to Ferris stompt Federal Way at the state tourney and going to bed before your dad made it home from the game at 1:30am. Yikes and I thought I just lazed around.

  2. That is the BEST, SOFTEST blanket I have seen in a long time! I got it for a gift too! And it's CHEAP! Score!
