Friday, February 29, 2008

Copycat of the week

Before Valentines day I saw this print on Bloesem which she found on Identity5 and loved it. I knew I could copy it and make a really cool invitation for my girls.

This week we're learning about budgeting, so here is my total rip-off:

I got inspired to teach this topic from reading this post. Some people really got their stuff together, you know?


  1. I think this is a great topic for an achievemet acivity. Especially since we live in a society that really pushes spending an instant gratification. And talk about an amazing teaching tool for her kids! I hope I am that together and proactive as mom one day.

  2. You are so clever!
    And creative and crafty! you totally break the engineer stereotype, don't you.

    Also... great idea for activity night. Huge idea.

    May I contribute a theory from an article I saved for my niece? hmm wish I could attach a word doc here...

    anyway, this author suggests that if a teenager saves all the income from a typical summer job (supposedly $2000) for four summers and puts it all into a Roth IRA - it will compound into $1 million by age 67!!

    Now that's a great idea for a kid who doesn't actually 'need' the money... but I know when I was that age - that $8000 was another $8000 my parents didn't have to come up with. So my only problem with this theory is that kids from wealthy families can be millionaires... but kids like me and my nieces - still screwed.

    Something to chew on though.
    Let us know how this activity discussion goes.

  3. Umm, maybe I'm just silly, but I can't figure out what the two letters are in the right hand collumn on your copy. So what are they?

  4. OK, so I just figured it out. It says cash. Now I don't see how anyone could miss it. Sorry

  5. So cool! Just so you know, sometimes I find myself copying you copying someone else.
