Friday, May 23, 2008

The graduation

Well, I'm going to go back in time a couple of weeks to share what we've been up to.

First there was the awesome graduation/cinco de mayo party. I forgot to take pictures of the event, but here is a look in my fridge and at the supplies stored on the ground.

The morning of his graduation he put on his BRAND new navy jacket, shirt and orange tie. He was really excited to open the card from his grandma Stella!

We spotted him walking in right away!

Then he spotted us.

The ceremony was going along great, until the chancellor FORGOT TO RECOGNIZE MY HUSBAND'S DEGREE! I was so mad I almost passed out.

We got over our blinding white hot rage to pose for this victory picture. Look how stunningly crappy my posture is! Look how cute our happy family is! (it was a million degrees that day)

We went to lunch at a FANTASTIC restaurant Brasserie Ten Ten. That's where he opened his gift from his parents (a beautiful leather bag) and I told him we would be leaving for his surprise trip to Disneyworld in 3 days! He was pretty stoked.

Then it was time for his department graduation. He had to crouch down to be hooded because his advisor is so short.

After he'd received his degree, shook hands he turned and walked back to his seat. There was a moment of silence, and I took advantage to yell out, "that's my man!" The look of pride and joy on his face will be one that I never forget. The entire room filled with laughter and I was so proud.

I sure am one proud wifey.


  1. I love your pictures...Congrats to "Your Man"

  2. Anonymous11:46 PM

    I am one proud Daddy in Law. He is the greatest. My boys make me happy.
