Friday, May 23, 2008

Hooray for cooking!

When I moved to Colorado I was decidedly NOT a foodie. Kraft Mac & Cheese was my go-to meal and I loved it. To be perfectly honest, I still love golden stuff and I often "have the blues".

However, I met one of my very best friends I was introduced to a whole new world. Cooking great food. Since then I bought myself a subscription to Bon Appetit and never looked back.

Today I found out that the awesome folks over at bon appetit have revamped their website and, boy oh boy, is it nice. I'm seriously considering not renewing my subscription because I like this online format so much! It has videos and comments and the most exciting thing is the top 100 recipes! It's like the best of the best all at my fingertips without the scary possibility of getting a nasty paper cut.

So, here is my proposition. I'm going to start a little club similar to the Tuesdays with Dorie folks, but on a much smaller and less intimidating scale. Let's pick one recipe from the top 100 each week and make it together! Join if you want, don't if you don't, or just jump in when a recipe sounds good.

Each Friday I'll post the selected dish on my sidebar and I'll make it and post about it sometime the next week. If you want to suggest the next dish we try together just leave a comment in the post about my dish and we'll go from there. If no one makes a suggestion I'll just pick the next one.

Since it's Friday and I always go shopping Friday afternoon I thought I'd kick this sucker into gear. My first pick is the Texas Caesar Salad:

There are very few things the ear doctor loves more than a kick-A salad. I'll let you know how it goes next week!


  1. Ooohh... Cooking...

    Me too! Me too!

  2. that look delish. is it horrible that it sounds like too much work to me?!?!

  3. Yessss. I'm on the bandwagon--sign me up for this delectable club!

  4. It's too bad that I'm so poor. Perhaps I'll jump into the group when I see a recipe that wont cost too much. I do like to see all the pretty food photos.

  5. this looks so, so good. i think throwing some avocados in the mix will be a great addition as well!

  6. I always enjoy your blog. So witty!
    I am looking for LDS bloggers to review the upcoming DVD, "Passage to Zarahemla." And would love to have you participate.
    The movie will be released on June 6 to the public. We are looking for volunteer bloggers to review the movie on their own blogs prior to the release of the DVD. If you would be interested in doing this, we will send you a free copy of the DVD.
    If you are willing to do this, please email us back your mailing address where we can send the DVD. (Please no PO boxes.)
    You can reach us at

  7. Anonymous8:55 AM

    Hey Kate,
    The salad was great! I added chicken breast, but black beans and avacados would be great in it as well.

  8. I think a Bon Appetit cooking club sounds fabulous. (Did I tell you that I recently subscribed to Bon Appetit solely because of your rave reviews? Well, I did.) Anyway, I think I should add the caveat that my participation will probably be sporadic due to my tendency to obsessively snuggle my baby.
