Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Door mat update

Remember my neighbors from this post? Well, don't worry I ended up cleaning all traces of the surprise the my puppy Roscoe left them. I was actually a little embarrassed that he pooed on their mat.

Anyway, you'll never believe this. The day after I wrote that post they got rid of the mat!!!! Could it possibly be that they read my blog and found out about the little accident? I am pretty horrified at this prospect. The ear doctor thinks it's hilarious.


  1. Ha!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    I hope they did, maybe then they'll be nicer neighbors!

    P.S. I like your custom banners a lot, wish I knew how to make them!

  2. I just lay them out in powerpoint. Group all the images together and save as a jpg. Then I resize it to the exact width of my main wrap (772 pixels) and upload it to a photo hosing website. Then I copy the url and paste the html code in my template.

    If that makes any sense....

  3. Anonymous11:57 AM

    Katie- Your explanation makes me smile. Your posts are (almost) always light-hearted with a little twist of attention to detail (to further tell your stories, of course!) and a hint of your engineering background. You just made your custom banner sound as easy as buying milk at the grocery store!

  4. Anonymous1:10 PM

    um, that's down right MORTIFYING...
