Thursday, September 25, 2008


Right now some awesome co-workers are talking a bit of McCain/Obama. They brought up Ms. Palin and then I heard:

"I don't think Katie, for one, much likes her."

Pretty sure they were talking about Katie Couric, but it works for me too.


  1. Anonymous6:41 PM

    You don't like Ms Palin? Why, I am curious.

  2. Anonymous6:45 PM

    Ha! love it.

  3. Anonymous6:51 PM

    interesting, care to elaborate?

  4. Anonymous9:07 PM

    Hehe, indeed indeed. :)

  5. All I'm going to say is that it bothers me that someone so inexperienced could be placed second in command to an elderly gentlemen of unknown health.

    There are a few other things that bother me, but I don't feel comfortable expressing them in this format.

  6. Anonymous10:22 AM

    While I will preface this by saying I don't agree with her stance on many issues and that is why she will not be receiving my vote, what most bothers me is something else - the way the Republicans are treating her. We are to believe that this is a strong, smart, tough lady (which I actually don't doubt). But they seem to not want her to actually speak! Ok, so she came in with almost no experience - maybe she has some NEW ideas (which is absolutely what "inexperience" can be good for)! But rather than teach her about the issues and let her speak her mind, the McCain-machine taught her one to two sentence talking points about each issue. So now she can parrot those back, but not much else. I feel bad for her, honestly. They haven't even given her a CHANCE to show what's she's capable of - I mean seriously, she's "allowed" to talk to the media for 29 seconds? What? arg!

  7. Anonymous11:16 AM

    her inexperience and beliefs/stances concern me as well.

  8. Anonymous4:51 PM

    So rather than put somebody without much executive experience in a position where they MIGHT become President, you'd rather actually place someone without any executive experience into the Presidency? I know Obama thinks that him running his campaign has given him better experience than her running a state, but I think that just shows how much he thinks of himself. Great, so he's shown he can be at the head of an organization whose soul purpose is self-agrandizement and where everyone practically asks to kiss your feet. Whereas a governor has to try and organize people of varying view points to manage a system that is supposed to be watching out for the welfare of everyone in the state. Just doesn't seem to be the same.

    And so far the only McCain health issues the Obama camp has been able to circulate are some pictures of a scar McCain received after having a melanoma removed from his face eight years ago.

    I agree with Lindsey's frustration regarding the campaign guarding Palin. For a little while it was to be expected, but I would like to see them let her open things up a bit. Hopefully she'll have some new things to say after her meetings at the UN this week.

    Again, I just don't see the logic about worrying about placing her in a position where she might become President without worrying about Obama who happens to be at the top of other ticket.


  9. Anonymous7:55 AM

    Baby, you opened up a can of worms ;)

  10. that statement works for this katie as well. the couric interview was so embarrassing.

  11. Dan,

    Welcome to a logical fallacy. Just because I said I don't like Palin doesn't convey any feelings I have about either Presidential candidate...

    Tsk, Tsk.

