Friday, September 26, 2008

Win a prize!

Today I got a long awaited, really cool piece of hardware it. It is a sight to behold, and if I thought there was the remotest chance that anyone besides me would find it interesting I'd share more details.

But odds are you wouldn't care at all.

So I'm not going to.

When they sent it to me, they built a big box out of plywood to make sure it wasn't damaged during delivery. The box is about 4' x 4' x 3', so a sizable square. Nothing strange about that. The weird thing is the warning labels they plastered on the outside. Is there anyone on earth who can decifer the meaning of this sticker?

I'll give whoever comes up with the best description of what this warning is actaully saying a fabulous prize. Becuase for the life of me I can't figure out what they were hoping to prevent.


  1. Don't crush a corner of the box?

  2. Open from top. Do not open side of box...are those marshmellows in the background..mmmmm

  3. i think it means "don't dispose of the box in its original form. collapse it first." maybe?

  4. Warning: Not all boxes are safe! Only accept cuboid boxes!

    Might not have used cuboid correctly, but you know what I mean.

  5. Anonymous4:36 PM

    I'm going to say it is an instruction to the freight packers telling them to place the box on a level surface and not on an incline, such as a wheel well.

  6. I'd like to know what the hardware is! (if it's for that little program we worked on together)

    My guess is: "Do NOT take apart the rectangular plywood box and attempt to reconstruct it as a trapezoidal box. Believe me, we've tried and it doesn't work."

  7. I think its a warning to not leave the box open after its contents have been removed because someone could fall in and get hurt. Like a small child or a small person, even.

    You know, like they warn you about refrigerators and trunks and kids locking themselves in and suffocating.

    In any case, I love your expression that conveys the sheer ominousness of the situation!

  8. I think it's a warning that midgets will come tumbling out like they do from those circus cars.

    OR it could mean not to open it on it's side. Hard to tell.

  9. i think it means that cougars don't cut corners. everybody knows that.

  10. Poodle, you win. Your prize? My undying love forever.

    Sam, yup, it was the Radome!

  11. awesome! just what i've always dreamed of. :)
