Wednesday, February 11, 2009


Last night a good friend of mine said I was very brave. She actually said that she wished that she was as brave as I am.

And up to that point I'd never in a million years considered myself brave. I'm not the type to scale mountains with just a piece of twine and a Swiss army knife. I've never attempted to sail a boat through a tempest storm where the vessel lilts at a 75 degree angle to the pounding waves. And I'm pretty sure if I ever saw a bear in the wild from less than a mile away I'd pee my pants.


Decidedly NOT brave.

However, this morning I've been thinking a bit more about it. I did move out to Colorado without knowing a soul and made a home for myself. I swallowed my fears and committed my life, heart, and future to one man. I pushed myself to a career that is intellectually challenging. I drink milk passed the expiration date.

So maybe I am pretty brave after all. I mean, would a coward do this to herself:


  1. I love them soooo much! You look HOT.

  2. Have to agree with the above sentiments. You look awesome with bangs. Lucky Ear Doctor! ;)

  3. love it! i just got a bunch of bangs too but your look much more full than mine (damn fine hair!).

  4. Yowza!
    When you say "do this to herself", do you mean you cut those lovelies on your own? Because if so, you should maybe put away your protractor & calculator and hang out a shingle as a stylist!

  5. That seriously looks fantastic.

  6. You look like a model. Gorgeous! Those engineers won't know what hit 'em.

  7. SHUT up! You look amazing!!!!!

  8. LOOOOOOOOOOOVE it! Why you so hot, guuurl?! ;) Beautimus Katie.

  9. Woo woo, cute hair!

  10. HOLY MOVIE STARlet!!!
    Aunti M

  11. CUTE CUTE CUTE!!!!

    I've been admiring bangs lately but I'm not brave enough to have that sort of fringe -- I have to have 'whispy' bangs - mine are very non-committal.

    Looks fantastic on you! Very beautiful, very hip, very flattering.

    Nice work!

  12. Woah! That's CRAZY (and ballsy)!!! I love it; you totally pull it off! Hey, wanna come over for dinner sometime soon?

  13. You look AMAZING! So fantastic.

  14. I always love your hair! looks great!

  15. LOVE! I could use some of your bravery. I need to get my bangs re-cut, but the past few times have been bad experiences. Blerg.

  16. Anonymous10:22 AM

    I love love love love love your new hair!

  17. Anonymous7:24 PM

    I get to see you every day. Your picture is on my desk.

  18. Anonymous8:37 AM haven't blogged lately! Is the Ear Doctor keeping you too busy after he saw you new Hair cut?? Tee hee

    Love your blog!

  19. Absolutely DARLING!!
