Thursday, February 19, 2009

Nature vs Nurture

About 5 years ago I went on a week long trip with a bunch of friends to Mexico. It was SOOOO much fun. I sort of hate renting cars on trips and taxis are so expensive, so we decided to take the bus everywhere we wanted to go. Plus, as an added bonus, the buses that we took were pretty much roller coaster rides so we got a free jolt of adrenaline every time we boarded one.

However, after a few consecutive late nights and sun drenched days I started getting really sleepy every time we got on a bus. I don't think any of my friends will ever forget me actually falling asleep while sitting in the uncomfortable plastic chairs on a wild, bumpy Mexican bus ride.

My reputation of public sleeping will forever live in infamy.

But really, they should understood that I didn't just spontaneously gain this ability. From a very young age I have been groomed to enjoy a quick nap on a public bench, bus, theater, patio, anywhere.

Don't believe me? Observe my dad, at Disney world for 5 days:


  1. Awww, cute. He looks way tired!

    Just a thought from the medical side of things...your dad has the classic "build" around his jaw and neck of a person who might have sleep apnea. Couple that with behaviors like daytime fatigue & frequent nodding off, and he could fit the profile. Not to make a diagnosis, but if this interferes with his day, he might benefit from a visit to a sleep lab.

    Sorry, just a thought from out here in the blogosphere.

  2. p.s. Loooove Disney World!!

  3. Your ability to sleep anywhere, any time, is a great trait. am sure your mom practied good sleeping rituals with you as an infant. My husband could sleep through a tornado as a result of his mother vacuuming under his crib while he slept. I, on the other hand, can't sleep unless the circumastances are perfect, thus chronic insomnia.

    You and your mom could be twins!!

  4. Good ol' Uncle Greg! I will always remember him as the one who would fall asleep on the stand at church.

  5. If I could have any practical superhero power, instant napping may just be it. I love a good nap but I find it nearly impossible to fall asleep fast enough to actually get a nap in, in the amount of time I have to nap.

    Wish I were as talented as you. :-)

  6. Anonymous7:04 PM

    To all who read... This little blogger girl actually fell asleep on the table in France at Epcot for 45 minutes. We were afraid to wake her, she was soooo tired.


  7. So, your dad _was_ just sleeping at church all the time. I thought he was just a really spiritual guy who prayed all the time.

  8. Hahaha, that's awesome. I so wish I could do that. My husband can and I am totally jealous.

  9. My Dad too! and yeah... sleep apnea.

    The pictures are hilarious.

  10. HYSTERICAL - gotta love that guy!

  11. That's great! He's like my dad, too. All he has to do to fall asleep is stop moving.

  12. Anonymous8:34 PM

    I am going to the sleep lab on March 18.

  13. Yay Katie's Dad!
