Tuesday, July 07, 2009

Fashion statement

Getting gifts for my brother-in-law is tough. Not because he's picky, but because he doesn't really need anything. He's not the type of guy who really likes having *stuff* around. As a result, I never know what to give him to show him I care.

Once I got him a solar powered flashlight because the company said that every time someone bought one here in the US one was given to a kid in Africa. I like the idea of providing light for someone in Africa who might need it...and who couldn't use another flashlight, right?

Which is probably the same reason I really really want a pair of these shoes:

Part of me thinks they look kind of funny and another part of my doesn't really care what they look like. And then another part of me wonders if they could possibly be as comfortable as they look and the other part of me wonders if wearing these makes me a bit too hipster for my own good.

And the last part of me smiles from ear to ear thinking of some cute kid who didn't have shoes running around with her very own pair of new bright pink kicks.


  1. I got a pair of these shoes from my sis-in-law for Christmas, as did my brother. They are very comfortable, and they do look a little silly but not too much that people will think you're wearing clown shoes or something.. Comfort out ranks looks in my book. Get them, you won't regret it and it helps a good cause.

  2. My brother is obsessed with these and lives in them. On him they look awesome. Not too hip, just awesome. But he's kind of an awesome looking guy (: He got me some a couple of years ago and they are comfy but I do not look awesome in them. With shorts I look okay in them. With jeans I look like a fool. They make my feet look sooooo tiny. But adorable child in need got a pair when I got mine so it's worth it, right?

  3. I really want a pair of these too! I love them! A friend of mine got hers at a thrift store for cheap... but that kind of defeats the purpose, huh?

  4. All of us in our little family have one pair of these shoes. I love that they donate a pair to someone in need...that alone should make you buy them :) I have to say that they don't flatter my muscular legs any...but they are comfortable!

  5. Ever since I saw the phone commercial featuring this shoe company I have wanted a pair, I say get them!

  6. I think Dan would love those shoes.

  7. i've been dying for a pair of these!!

  8. apparently we share the same sentiments about these shoes. i've debated with myself for a while now.

    i'm all for kids getting shoes. but my main motivation for buying them is that the guy "blake, the chief shoe giver" in the at&t commercial is totally hot and i'm hoping he'll personally deliver them to me ;)
