Monday, July 06, 2009

Insult to injury

Remember how I used to get the awesome magazine Domino and how that lovely publication went belly-up? Well, the powers that be decided to start sending me a different magazine to finish my subscription.

And I knew that they were sending it, but I wasn't fully prepared for this to arrive in my mailbox:

Who in their right mind thinks that this is an acceptable substitute for lovely design and interesting articles a la Domino? And to make matters worse, the entire cover is dedicated to my personal nemesis...Taylor Swift. I just can't stand this girl after hearing her "sing" on Idol or America's Got Talent or something a few years ago. Why did it have to be her mug glaring back at me and my poor broken heart? She knows. She knows what this is doing to me. She knows how much this hurts. Just look at the sneer in her eyes:

She knows what this is doing to me and she's HAPPY I'm in pain.


  1. Can't you call and ask them to give you one of their other magazines instead? I'm getting Cookie.

  2. Architectural Digest is also an option - my sister is getting that one.

  3. Hmmm...I didn't think I had the option to change. Thanks pal!

  4. I got a notice saying they were going to start sending me Glamour. I called and now I'm happily receiving Gourmet. Give 'em a call. You're right to be in pain, my friend.

  5. I have a subscription to Glamour and I used to love it. Last month featured Miley Cyrus on the cover and this month Taylor Swift. What the HECK?? I am soo not a teenager! I might just cancel my subscription.

  6. SO FUNNY!!! How can they even think that most of the people who dig Domino would like that as a replacment?

    I recently found a new love for DWELL. Not Domino but better than Glamour :)
