Thursday, May 12, 2011

life saver

Yesterday it was so cold and rainy here in Colorado that it put everyone in a funk.

It was so funky around here at work that someone actually yelled at me, stormed out of a conference room and slammed the door behind himself so hard the walls shook.

So funky that I dropped a huge glop of guacamole on my pants during lunch and I had to wear the stain the rest of the day.

I'm telling you, EVERYONE was feeling the funk. After work I started getting a flurry of texts and calls asking about our regularly occurring Wednesday night youth group activity. The other leaders were tired, had grumpy babies or had to drive all over town to get things for their new house. The idea of trying to cheerleader a bunch of likewise funky-attituded teenage girls seemed about as daunting as summiting Mt Everest.

But we just couldn't cancel on our teens. So, I altered my plan for the night.

Luckily, I had read Designmom recently and her awesome daughter reminded me how awesome it is to learn to make friendship bracelets.

So with the last ounce of energy in my soul I went to the craft store, bought 3 dollars worth of embroidery floss and pulled off a miracle. A fun activity for teenage girls with zero planning involved.

Blogs saved my life last night.


  1. That is awesome! And you're right, it's a cheap, time-consuming activity that any teenage girl can't walk away from!

    Glad your night came out okay but sorry your day was sucky!!!

  2. What a great idea! I used to make tons of these bracelets. I may need to steal this idea for my YW.
