Monday, May 16, 2011

Weekend update

Friday night the ear doctor and I were invited to a housewarming party. But it wasn't held at the honoree's new home, it was held at someone else's place that had more space. I thought that was kind of strange, but was willing to go with it. And it was a really fun, pretty typical party until about 10 pm when someone brought out a trumpet and started stumbling through a barley recognizable version of battle hymn of the republic. Yikes.

I just looked around and was a little amazed at what I now considered a fun Friday night out.

Saturday morning I spent the whole morning at work desperately trying to get a jump on the week.

Then I drove myself over to a friend's house for a graduation party. That party was a lot less likely to produce a crazy symphonic talent show, but i did find out about half way into the party that 3 of the 4 people living at the party house had just been diagnosed with strep throat the day before.

At which point I stopped eating from the big bowl of help-yourself-with-your-bar-hands ruffles and started feeling the back of my neck to check for any signs of immediate onset fever.

Sunday I spent the whole day laying around on the couch in my new favorite sweatpants from Walmart. I was attempting to recover from the midnight puke session I had the chance to experience brought on by whatever rotten thing I consumed the day before.

Try not to be super jealous of my life...

1 comment:

  1. It's funny how our definition of fun changes as we get older. Not sure about the trumpet session though... Puking is never fun. I usually cry simultaneously when I puke a lot.
