Tuesday, August 06, 2013

Jungle Adventure

We spent Sunday afternoon at Jungle Adventure. It was surprisingly awesome. But again, HOT!

When we drove up and saw Swampy, the world's largest gator we knew we were in for something special. I love an animal park that seems like the animals might actually get out. There's something really charming to me about keepers who carry knives...you know...just in case

There were old rotten boardwalks built over the swamp that felt like you were going to fall thru with every step

Me...getting my Brittany Spears on

These turtles were everywhere...and clearly were fed really well. All I had to do was hold my hand out above their tank and they swam over and clawed their way up the wall to get some snack

He was so hot there were little beads of sweat popping out on his nose!

I was really hot too...clearly he is my son

Park entrance, Swampy, the world's largest Gator

1 comment:

Maggie said...

Gator world all over again