Monday, November 22, 2010

Great cinema

Did you cry like a little baby at the end of Harry Potter while you tightly clutched your bag of Reece's pieces in one hand and a gallon of diet coke in the other? didn't?'re saying that only super nerdy-hardcore-harry-potter-lovin-crazies would do something like that?...


...I totally did NOT do that...


Lindsay said...

Well, perhaps it IS super nerdy, but I also totally started tearing up right at the beginning when Hermione was saying goodbye to her parents. :(

I wish part two came out next weekend! ARG!!!

MSmith said...

Haven't seen Harry Potter, but cried like a baby in Lelo and Stitch...go figure!

Melanie said...

I totally teared up. . . I was just clutching different snacks.

Erik, Amy, Eliza, Esther & Eden said...

Ron Weasley is my head boy.