Monday, November 14, 2005

New theme

Because there has been such great demand, and to show off my skillz as a photographer, I am going to post one photo a day from my sister's wedding back in July. Here is the first one.



litespeed said...

You are the best photographer i have ever seen!!!

litespeed said...

Will you do my wedding?

Derrick said...

NO! Do MY wedding! not his!!! You're the most amazing photographer EVER!

Anonymous said...

gorgeous!!! I love it!

The Unprocessed Project said...

Darling pic. I think she is saying "can we skip all of this and go straight to the hotel?" Ha ha!

Anonymous said...


Maggie said...

I was probably saying, "You have to stay here and you have to be nice. I don't care that you only had a granola bar for breakfast and it's now 2."

Katie said...

Ahhh, true love!

Mrs. Architect said...

Awesome. What a cute couple, and what a great pic. I just love it!

Anonymous said...

You truly have skillz. With a "z".

N.F. said...

That is an amazing pic. What Temple is it?

Maggie said...

Spokane, WA