Monday, November 21, 2005

Tis the Season....well, almost

I know, I know, it isn't officially Christmas season until after Thanksgiving, but I've had my Christmas template made for about 2 weeks now and I am so excited to put it up. It is my first decoration for the season.

Plus, I'm going home tomorrow and won't have access to the template there, so really the options were put the Christmas template up today, or next Monday.

And by next Monday I would have wasted 3 good days of Christmas celebrating, so this really is the only option.

If you're one of those people who are like, "Jeez, I can't believe they are already setting out Christmas gifts at the Mall" or "Hello, shouldn't Christmas come only a week before the big day" then you can just turn around and leave because from now until the end of December this is an official holiday stop.


Anonymous said...

I was really happy to sit at Panera and study all day yesterday because they were playing Christmas music. Made it REALLY tough to study!! Because all I wanted to do was sip hot chocolate by a fire. Not like it's cold here or anything.

k said...

The best part about Christmas is the time leading up to it! I'm not quite ready to start getting in the spirit yet, but come Friday I'm all in!

megan said...

thank you! i'm glad someone else loves christmas as much as i do.

i have a personal rule that i can't start getting in the spirit until mr. thanksgiving gets my full attention... but once this weekend is over, aaron neville's soulful christmas will be back on the ol' ipod, and i can't wait!

N.F. said...

I LOVE the new background! Where can I get one like it? :)

The Unprocessed Project said...

Thanksgiving is my favorite holiday, so I always feel bad when it gets overlooked. I'm devoting this week to nothing but Thanksgiving thoughts.

Anth said...

No way is it too early. I totally love the background! I have garland sitting out already, just waiting for Thanksgiving to pass so I can artfully drape it on the piano!

Mrs. Architect said...

I've been listening to the radio stations here that play non-stop christmas music for a week now! :-)

And heck, my family watching Christmas Vacation year round!

Anonymous said...

I put up my christmas decorations last night. I couldn't wait any longer! Now I am burning candles and trying to get the Christmas smell into every nook and cranny of my apartment.

Anonymous said...

Hi, I've just read a few of your posts, and I have to say, I find your style so very refreshing. It's amazing, I've almost forgotten what it's like to read the blog of someone who is actually nice, sincere, and happy.

Thanks for lightening my day!!


Roberto Iza Valdés said...

Yes, it's beginning to look a lot
like Christmas, isn't it!