Friday, September 14, 2007


I just looked down at the front of what I supposed was my clean shirt.

Turns out this was the same shirt I browned Tuesday nights chorizo in.


Maybe my co-workers will think the superflous amount of little dots all along the bottom of my shirt is some really cool artistic look I'm going for? Doubtful.....very doubtful.


chloe said...

So, I totally stalk your blog. Anyway, that is hilarious...and unfortunate. I have totally been there.

Katharina said...

One good thing--at least you remembered your top. A friend of mine went home for a spaghetti lunch. She removed her white shirt to avoid the dread spotty front, and enjoyed her marinara. Later, halfway through the drive back to work, she realized she had traipsed out to the car in her (ahem) underthings. :)

Anonymous said...

Just one of the many reasons why I love you :)

Sorry I've been bad about commenting lately, but I've been enjoying all your newly married-life posts. I read through bloglines so I'm lazy about coming over, just wanted you to know I am really reading every single post!

Anonymous said...

I should use that explaination, ART WORK