Thursday, January 10, 2008

Come out, come out wherever you are

Here's the thing. Whenever I look at my blog's hit meter I'm a little shocked by how fast it is climbing up. I thought that my mom, mother-in-law, aunt and sister were the only people who read this little thing.

Today Girl asked people to de-lurk just for a day and I'm going to make the plea as well.

I'd love to meet all you people who check in with me and get some entertainment of my exploits!

If you're feeling brave, leave a comment and say hi!


Anonymous said...

HI!!! I read EVERY one of your posts (duh) but am an awful commenter... please forgive me.

As to your previous post, you are doing an excellent job of recording SO many wonderful memories/time... I wish I'd started sooner!

Staci said...

Katie I don't think Jethro and I ever comment, but we check it all the time.

Annie said...

You don't know me, but here I am. :P

Campbell said...

Reading Jordan's blog one day, I randomly clicked on your link in her sidebar. I'm a fellow redhead and something about your writing keeps drawing me back...sorry to lurk!

MrsEm said...

I guess I'm a lurker too!

Jessica said...


Anth said...

Well I'm not a lurker, but happy delurking day!

Mrs. Hass-Bark said...

I've been reading since I first started blogging. It's fun to read about how your life has changed.

Stephanie said...

You don't know me, but I have been reading your blog for a long time.

Mine can be viewed at :-)

chloe said...

I'm not really delurking, since I tend to comment relatively regularly, but I'm leaving a comment just the same.

Unknown said...

Hi Katie,
I just recently (and randomly) found your blog via "Oh Happy Day's" sidebar. Imagine my surprise when I recognized your name. I am pretty sure we went to school together in Puyallup. I've been working my way through your archives- your blog has been a great read- but I've never commented before (on any blog).


Anonymous said...

Hi there. I've commented maybe two or three times, but I definitely still count as a lurker, considering I read your site almost every day. ;)

I'm a 29 year old engineer in LA (moved here last month from San Francisco).

Oh! And just yesterday, I got my order in the mail from Shade (which you mentioned a while back and I proceeded to be amazed at their pretty and LONG shirts). I am VERY pleased with my new shirts, so thanks for the tip!

Maggie said...

Katie-as your sister I don't count as a lurker, but I do have a question. What is that in your new profile photo with you? I just can't figure it out.

Frozen Okie said...

Hi, I've de-lurked before.

Oh, I'm not sure if you are aware of it- but when you click on your banner at the top of the page instead of taking you to the blog it takes you to the free image hosting site. Not sure if you are able to change that.

Anonymous said...

hello...I've been reading for a while and can't remember how I first got here. But your posts make me smile!

TRS said...

Hi. I comment regularly so I'm not really a lurker. Probably too regularly for someone you don't know!

I must have discovered your blog shortly after you started it... I found it by clicking -NEXT BLOG- from my friend Keli's blog... who is also LDS, so I think that's how you were connected. I doubt you know her - just your blogs were in the same species or something.

You can click to my profile... and my cousins and I are starting a blog on a different host site.
It's a place for us to share our memories from childhood and mostly our memories of time spent at Grandma's farm.
You are welcome to lurk there too!

Kim Dubois said...

We've never actually met, but it feels like we're pretty much BFFs.

Also, yours is the very first blog I ever visited, and I've been stalking you ever since.

Anonymous said...

Hi, Yes I'm a lurker!! I found your blog from S'mee's sidebar.( s'mee's my "third" mom) I was just looking thru it and your name just grabbed me. That was a few months ago and have been pretty much checking it everyday. I enjoy reading what you have to say.

I just started my own blog about a week or two ago so it's not to exciting, yet! I would have to say that reading your blog and S'mee's is what got me to do it. you just seem to have fun with it. So, Thank you!

Anonymous said...

Hi Katie,

I've been reading your blog for a couple of years now. I believe I found your site through girl from Florida.

Kellyry said...

Also found you through Jordan (though I cannot claim to know her either!). I appreciate a good dose of wit and romance, and your blog happily fits the bill.

ALL THE BEST said...

Thank you for visiting my blog!
All the best,

Anonymous said...

This is the first time I've been to your blog and I like reading it already!! Feel free to stop by my blog anytime and leave a comment.

Calie Durant said...

Hi, I've commented a few times before. But I regularly read your blog, you are very funny. I found you through Emily's site.

Jenny said...

I'm being brave and delurking. I found your blog from GFF quite a while ago. I like readiour ng about the new memories you're creating and love your style!


Derrick said...

I'm an open lurker. Not only do I read your blog, but now our cubes are less than 50 feet apart... AGAIN! Muahahahaha.

Anne said...

I'm a lurker too! Hi!

Far From Perfect said...

Good Morning...I don't remember how I clicked my way to you but, I have a daughter who lives your way sooo if this makes sense????? i needed a Colo connect??? i love your posts.

Erik, Amy, Eliza, Esther & Eden said...

I don't know if I count as a lurker! But here is my post to let you know that I come here. :-)

Anonymous said...

Hi Katie,
I've read your blog a few times and I love it! I don't mean to be a lurker, just never know what to say...btw, I have to say that I've never even considered buying bon appetit magazine until I saw their new cover, so maybe they're just trying to attract new subscribers. I always thought their old covers were intimidating and figured I could never cook any recipes in it. keep up the fun blog! Angela

Anonymous said...

Don't know how I found your blog but its cute and I like how you describe your relationship with the ear dr, you seem very happy :)