This weekend the ear doctor and I are heading up into the mountains to celebrate our first marital anniversary. I am SOOO excited to get out of town a bit and spend some time relaxing together.
We'll be staying in this cool old cabin, which is a registered historic landmark:

Cooking on a old wood burning stove,

And hiking in the the wilderness around Steamboat Springs. Our little puppy (still has no name) will also be coming with us, so it's his first camping trip. Hooray!
On a side note, I can't believe I've been married for a little over a year now! It simultaneously feels like I've lived with this man-of-my-dreams forever and like the time has just flown by. Amazing how time races by without me even noticing sometimes...
Oooh, can we see a pic of you guys from your wedding day? I still need to pos pics from our wedding but I don't hav a scanner so I'm lagging. I love wedding pics! Despite already being married, I still peruse wedding photo blogs, LOL.
There are tons of my wedding photos posted in my archives of July 2007. I LOVED my photog.
The boxer my family had while I was in grade school was named Major - full name Major von Ricklinghausen, after an obscure disease or syndrome (my dad's a dentist) but Major is a very dignified name for a boxer since yours is still without his own name.
Happy anniversary!
So happy for you!
you make a fabulous couple.
Sprinkle some of your blessings my way please.
What a fun trip. You have a great husband
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