Tuesday, November 09, 2004

In need of a PEPSI

This morning when my alarm clock went off at 7 am I thought my head was going to explode. Never having had a hangover in my life I don't really know if the comparison is valid, but if that was even 1/10th of the agony ya'll subject yourself to I don't know how you stand it. My head was pounding and my body felt like it was filled with lead. I had to get out of bed and rush into my bathroom to turn it off. I had to use my stereo alarm clock because I misplaced my cell phone (which doubles as an alarm clock and source of all life force) last night.

Last night after a rousing game of dodgeball and rootbeer floats, I went over to the ear doctor's house. He wanted to go out and do something, so we went to see Ray.

It was a good movie.

I jumped a few time and was pretty uncomfortable at some points, but on the whole I think it was a pretty rad movie.

Great soundtrack.

The ear doctor said he was going to buy the soundtrack and I was glad because then I can burn it. Excellent.

During the movie we kissed a little bit. Only one other time in my life have I made out at the movies. I was young and it was something that *everyone* was doing, so what the heck. The cute thing is that I don't think the ear doctor had ever made out with someone at a movie. So, against my better judgment and usual hesitation to so openly display affection in such a cliche manner, I acquiesced. Everyone should be able to say that they've done that at least once in their life, right? Or am I ultra tacky?

Whatever the verdict, it was fun and at one point I looked over at him and my stomach started to tumble and twist into knots. Yea!

That movie was really long, and then we stayed up and talked. As a consequence I didn't get to bed until 3 am.

Work is really hard on 4 hours of sleep. Luckily I have more to people to entertain me that this cool girl, but it's still rough.


fMhLisa said...

I know that some of the being single part can really stink, but the "falling in love" part can feel so good. Sigh . . .

Anonymous said...

mmmm pepsi :)

Yay, I'm so glad your stomach twisted a bit! The important thing is you're having FUN! You have tomorrow off, don't you? Just sleep the day away and have sweet dreams about ear doctor.
