Right now my company is performing layoffs. This is really quite typical in my industry as it is very cyclical. One year will be a crazy hiring frenzy and two years later people will be looking for work.
Anyway, for some reason a little memorial/graveyard has started.
Everyone who has been laid off or retired or left before the reaper had a chance to swing his sickle has hung their name badge up on this random filing cabinet.

I walk by this about 30 times a day every day and it creeps me out. What do you think? Creepy, right?
Totally creepy. I'm surprised your company allows those to stay up. Mu hubby is in a staff meeting at work right now and there are rumors flying his dealership might close. I will know within a few hours if everyone was laid off. :( I'm despondent, naturally.
Creepy for you and anyone else who fears they might be next.
But I think, very honorable as you and your coworkers don't take your employment status for granted. And it sends a message to management that a) you all know what is going on and b) you all are still thinking about the co-workers you've lost.
That picture is already outdated. +1 to the wall of those who have gone before us...
Ummm reality. My friends went through that at the company we once worked at. They cleaned out more cubes than they cared to. It never hit home to management until they had to clean the desk of one of their own. Then the grunts reminded them of how much it hurt. Glad I'm rid of that company. I quit before the layoffs.
I wish those were put on the file cabinet outside the upper management restroom so they can see their miss management.
Do you know Jim F? One of my favorite people down there, (other than you Katie!) I guess he could go on your wall as of Monday!! So sad.
I dig it. When I worked at the library, we had something like that. It was this magnetic board with all of our names and little magnets that you push to IN, OUT, or LUNCH. No one ever used it except to push the magnet to OUT for every person who had quit.
I think that is kinda funny/cool. Is that Marty L? Did he get laid off? Did you scratch out the last names digitally or are they really like that?
It's sad, but funny too. They have to do something once they leave and at least that isn't destructive!
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