Monday, November 05, 2007

You know you like to cook when...

Well, Sunday night the ear doctor and I were invited to a dinner party. It was a Thanksgiving warm-up. One person made a delicous turkey, another made suffing and rolls, ect. We brought cranberry sauce....yummm.

Anyway, when the end of the dinner rolled around I found myself in the kitchen helping clean up I noticed that the turkey maker was moving to throw the carcass away. I gasped and asked, "can I have that carcass...I really want to make my own turkey stock so that I can get some great flavor in my sauces."

As I looked around and saw all the confused, slightly frightened faces I realized something. I'm out of control with this cooking thing. That's not a normal request to make. Normal people don't get excited about picked-clean dead birds. I need to get a grip.


Anonymous said...

What? I don't think that's weird AT ALL. Seriously. I've made dozens of delicious soups from dead picked-over bird carcasses (that sounds creepy, I will admit). Usually I cook on med. low all night, pick off the remaining meat, then make a lovely soup that I then partition and freeze and enjoy for months! MMmmm. Another favorite thing we do is cook a whole chicken for dinner, then make chicken salad the next day, THEN cook the carcass... 3 meals from one bird, yippee!

Katharina said...

Naaah, not too creepy. You're just venturing into the realm of frugal, yet hard-core home chef. (You'd make Martha proud.) Best wishes with your stock!

litespeed said...

That's awesome! Stocks are the coolest, and they're super healthy! They are on of the healthiest foods now missing from our modern processed food world.

What's even crazier is that I currently have a beef stock cooking on my stove as I type this!

You're going to have the best and healthiest sauces around!

Courtney said...

Hee Hee! You are funny.

But it sounds like a reasonable enough request if you ask me! I mean, if she was just going to throw away a perfectly good dead bird carcas! :)

My mom and step dad were really poor when they first got married. They lived on one chicken for a whole week! A couple chicken dinners and then a really yummy soup. Sounds good to me!

Anonymous said...

I did the exact same thing at a ward Christmas party. I mean they were just going to throw it away like it was garbage!!!

The Barkers said...

You can make the BEST stuffing in just a few weeks with that stock!!(even though I know you are going to most likely be in Spokane) I would have taken the same advantage!

Anonymous said...

You inherited this skill from your Mom/grandma. I also use the carcas from the Costco chicken.