Thursday, July 31, 2008
A glimpse
We used to lazily set the alarm for 6 am, fully intending to wake up together to the sound of chirping birds. We'd lovingly gaze into the warmth of each other's glorious eyes and remark how perfect our lives are. How lucky we feel to be together. How the world was made just for the two of us to be centered together. Sometimes we'd fall back to sleep, wrapped in each others loving arms and awake again, just to repeat the process. It was random. It was unstructured. It was lovely.
Our dear little Roscoe has changed all of that.
Now, at the stroke of 6 am I jump out of bed, throw on whatever haphazardly lays around the floor and won't totally terrify the neighbors, grab a likely pee-covered leash and rush our little peeing machine down 3 flights of stairs to the grass below. Bleary eyed, I gently coo to our pup, "go bafroom, Roscey, go bafroom."
After he has accomplished his business, I attempt to take him for a walk. During said "walk" he alternately bites my pajama pants and his leash. With every fiber of my being I try to stay in control and calmly "train" him not to do either behavior. Really all I want to do is hoist him up by the leash and let him dangle there until he knocks it off. (don't worry, this never happens)
At about 6:35 I drag my sorry rear back up 3 flights of stairs to hand off the animal to the ear doctor so I can get ready for work. I'm not really sure what happens for the next 20 minutes because that time is dedicated alone time.
By 7:15 we are eating breakfast together and attempting to teach the little rascal not to beg from the table or jump into the love sac for our attention.
By 7:17 I have hurriedly cleared our bowls and the ear doctor is on his way to Roscoe's bin of smelly dog food to feed the beast.
By 7:18 the creature has finished his breakfast and is again threatening to pee all over my new beautiful green rug.
We then, the three of us gather all I'll need for the day and walk back down the 3 flights of stairs to go on a family walk and do some training together. This is my favorite time. The three of us are there and we're pretty ridiculously happy. I look over at my two guys and realize I'm a pretty lucky girl. They walk me to my car. The ear doctor works from home this summer, so I'm off to bring home some bacon while he raises the pooch and contributes to his chosen field of research. (Which, BTW, I'm totally proud of him for. He's going to improve the life of countless little kids with hearing problems)
As I sit in my car I glance back in my rear view mirror and see my man, standing tall and very handsome with a thin green leash in his left hand. That leash gently loops down to a patient little adorable puppy who has clearly watched me walk away and get in the car, ready to leave.
I realize in that moment that I'm going to miss those two while I'm away at work all day. Even thought I'd already bent over twice that morning to scoop up piles of foul smelling excrement, I was going to miss them.
Then I realize that this is probably a pretty small little glimpse of what the ear doctor's life is going to be like when we have our first baby and he has to go to work in the morning. I'll be holding our little poop-maker of an infant and he'll glance back at me, begrudgingly leaving for work. He'll wish he didn't have to go. He'll wish he could stay with us all day and help me raise our little runt.
And I want to remember that feeling because it was nice.
Ongoing debate
Wednesday, July 30, 2008
Why being an adult rules
"ice cream before work? in the morning? that's not healthily. Ice cream is supposed to come in the evening...or at least the afternoon."
But then I turned to my shoulder and asked, "says who?"
Upon hearing no response I shrugged the little voice off and succumbed to my desire.
Here we are, at 8:35 am enjoying our snacks:
Look at how those sandwiches seem to emit a heavenly glow!
Rest assured, it made me feel much better.

Don't worry, the ear doctor did a post-ice-cream-sandwich-teeth check before I went into work.
Tuesday, July 29, 2008
Monday, July 28, 2008
Just stop

The first got a really great job in Baltimore so she's taking it. It's a great move for her and its' going to make her really happy. She's been one of my very best friends for the last 4 years. An amazing person, to the very core, she made me a better person for just knowing her.
The second? Her husband got a year long post doc position in Scotland. Yeah, COLOR ME JEALOUS! She was a person who I'd just recently met but could see years of real friendship ahead of me. I'm bummed that a real friendship is halted just in its infancy.
I get it that life moves on, it ebbs and flows. In my heart I understand that the picture in my head of "FRIENDS" doesn't really exist. Adults rarely stay in the same apartment for 10 years, surrounded by the same people doing the same thing. That's just not reality. People change, grow, move away and that's life. It just stinks sometimes, you know?
Thursday, July 24, 2008
Best birthday

What floats my husband's boat?

Tuesday, July 22, 2008
Confession time
Mine: Only the ear doctor knows that I subconsciously wiggle my toes whenever I hear music. Especially if my feet are propped up and I'm watching So You Think You Can Dance.
Your turn.
Monday, July 21, 2008
Citizens of my apartment complex,

If you are interested in purchasing one of these potential building-burners, we will gladly build you a kit for the bargain basement price of $150.
All the best,
Friday, July 18, 2008
Top 100

Reminder: If you want to join the club feel free! This link has a list of all the different recipes from Bonappetit's top 100 dishes that we're going to try. Leave a comment with your suggestion for next week's dish on this post.
Wednesday, July 16, 2008
Good idea El
Memory Game: 1. Add a comment to my blog by leaving a memory that you and I experienced together. It doesn't matter if you knew me a little, or A LOT. All you have to do, is simply, remember. 2. When you've done that, post this to your blog, experience the memories from your lifetime, and I'll return the favor.
If I've never met you in real life you can comment about a post or a comment or some funny virtual interaction we've had, or something.
That'll be cool, right?
Tuesday, July 15, 2008
Confucius say
Pretty sure neither of these were on my list. What am I going to do with these?
I turned to the ear doctor, and asked him, "just how do these fit into our budget, my sweet darling?" He gave me a sheepish grin and shrugged his shoulders.
A few hours later we dove into our dinner, capping off the culinary event with some delicious fortune cookies. Look at his fortune:
I've never really bought into the whole Confucius thing, but I may have to give it a try.
Easy to please

Monday, July 14, 2008
Disaster averted
(s'mores cheesecake with summer berries)
Because I had a lot of commitments earlier in the day, I got up at 6 am to start this bad boy. Well, I had commitments and that is the time that Roscoe starts to get really nervous that he'll have an accident in his crate. In our house we do pretty much anything to avoid in-crate accidents. ANYTHING. By 8am I had a beautiful crust and baked cake, eagerly awaiting the oven browned marshmallow topping. I also had to leave the house for the day, so there is sat cooling on my counter top.
At around noon I saw that I had a message on my phone. It was my dinner guests apologizing profusely for the stomach flu that had sneaked up on them during the night. Graciously I assured them that it was totally fine and that we'd do it again some time.
I hung up that phone and was irrationally pissed. Not so much at them, but at the cruel gods who toy with my emotions so. I had a half finished cheesecake waiting for only a marshmallow topping and no one to serve it to. I threw up my hands in despair and decided that the ear doctor and I could do our best to down the sucker.
At around 8pm I finally had the time to finish it up. As I started putting things together I realized in horror that I didn't even have a teaspoon of sugar left anywhere in my house. Aghast, I peered into the bottom of my white ceramic container. I never run out of sugar. I have a compulsive personality when it comes to being fully stocked with necessary baking ingredients. HOW COULD THIS HAVE HAPPENED?!?!?!
And then I realized that it's a good thing they didn't come over. Can you imagine the horror of just being served chocolate cheesecake without the marshmallow topping? It would have crushed our fledgling friendship to smithereens.
Friday, July 11, 2008
That's romance
Then I realized I wasn't sleeping well because my left hip was ACHING. Pain to the throbbing point of no allowable sleep. In frustration I told the ear doctor about my pain. Despite the dark, middle of the night staus, he immediately got up, went to the bathroom to get me some Tylenol, went to the kitchen to get me some water in my favorite monkey-shaped-cup-complete-with-sippy-straw and returned to bed to deliver my medical aid.
This, my friends, is a SERIOUS perk of being married. Especially to a guy like the ear doctor. Why on earth was I ever afraid of marriage and the threat of loosing my independence?
I love this guy so much it hurts.
Top 100
Three-Cheese Pizza with Pancetta and Mushrooms

Reminder: If you want to join the club feel free! This link has a list of all the different recipes from Bonappetit's top 100 dishes that we're going to try.
livin on the edge

Thursday, July 10, 2008
Top 100

Reminder: If you want to join the club feel free! This link has a list of all the different recipes from Bonappetit's top 100 dishes that we're going to try. Leave a comment with your suggestion for next week's dish on this post. Friday afternoons I post the recipe for the following week and I review them on Thursdays.
Wednesday, July 09, 2008
So, here is my confession:
Even when I am proudly eating my delicious lentil and home-grown swiss chard stew I'm secretly wishing it was a slice of Papa John's pizza, soaking in that weird garlic butter along with a side of kraft mac & cheese and accompanied by a tall cherry slurpee.
First things first

Who added this to my calendar tonight at 11 pm? It doesn't have a location or any other attendees but me, so maybe I added it as a reminder for myself? Too bad I'm pretty sure I'll be missing this clearly very important event.
Tuesday, July 08, 2008

Monday, July 07, 2008
Guess what

Top 100
Anyway, clearly we share the same taste so when she suggested making crostini and bruschetta I heartily agreed. This weeks attempt:
Crostini and Bruschetta

Someday I will be the type of hostess who has amazing little treats like this waiting for my dinner party guests. It's not today.....probably not tomorrow either.
Reminder: If you want to join the club feel free! This link has a list of all the different recipes from Bonappetit's top 100 dishes that we're going to try.
Thursday, July 03, 2008
Top 100
When I was at the store picking up ingredients I looked at the solid bars of semi-sweet chocolate and then back at the chips. The bars? almost $4. The chips? less than $2. I went the inexpensive route, not realizing the hassle it would be to "finely chop" chocolate chips. It was a pain and a bad idea.
The first instruction was to whisk some dry ingredients and then slowly pour some milk it. Then I was supposed to "whisk until the cornstarch is dissolved." No offense to whoever wrote this, but it's a pretty poor instruction. How is one supposed to tell when cornstarch is dissolved? That's just silly.
Next, we heat it up and cook it for a while. Then, pull off heat and add the chopped chocolate. Clearly, I'm not the world's tidiest cook.
Then, you rig up this intricate cooling system. Not thinking clearly, I put my mixture into the most insulating bowls I own...stupid. I should have done with with metal bowls. Also, my physics teacher would have been very disappointed. I filled it with ice and water to the brim forgetting that water expands as it melts. I had a mini lake rushing all over my counter and down onto the floor at the end of the 30 minute cool down. Embarrassing for a girl who's taken 4 semesters of thermodynamics.
Then, it's poured into the ice cream machine for a churn and sent into the freezer for a sit. A few hours later, out comes a delicious treat. The Bon appetit picture has very fancy and sophisticated shaved chocolate as topping. Here, in my house, nothing beats the rainbow sprinkle.
So, while it didn't set up as firm as I would have liked, (probably because I am a little impatient) the flavor was exceptional.
Whoa! Clearly, this was written at the end of a long and confusing day at work. As has been pointed out, water contracts as it melts, taking up less volume than ice, so that isn't the reason that I had a little lake in my kitchen. Here is my new theory as to why it the water level went up: It didn't really go up. The gelato base in my bowl became much denser and thicker as it cooled, so it probably sank into the liquid more, displacing the fluid and making Lake Eerie on my kitchen floor.
Reminder: If you want to join the club feel free! This link has a list of all the different recipes from Bonappetit's top 100 dishes that we're going to try. Leave a comment with your suggestion for next week's dish on this post. Friday afternoons I post the recipe for the following week and I review them on Thursdays.
A test of faith

Unreasonable Fear of the Day

Wednesday, July 02, 2008
We have a new focus of my wrath
However, this unfocused and unreasonable wrath has now been reassigned to a much more real, living person. Who? you ask? Well, I'll tell you.
The lady with the out of control Great Dane and English Bulldog. Just seeing this lady in our apartment courtyard wrankles my soul and elicits fiery venom from my heart. There are very valid reasons to dislike this person.
First, she has 2 huge dominating dogs who pick on Roscoe. NOT COOL in my book.
Second, these two huge dogs are way beyond her control and she lets them off the leash all the freakin time.
Third, and most annoying, SHE DOES NOT SCOOP UP THEIR POOP. Do you have any idea how big Great Dane turds are?
So, yeah, memo to her: Watch your back. You might end up with something funny floating in your orange juice some morning....or maybe I'll not smile at you across the courtyard anymore. One or the other.